Source code for xirr.math

import datetime
from typing import Callable, Optional

import scipy.optimize


# based on
# with some handling for special cases from

[docs]def xnpv(valuesPerDate: dict[, float], rate: float) -> float: """Calculate the irregular net present value. >>> from datetime import date >>> valuesPerDate = {date(2019, 12, 31): -100, date(2020, 12, 31): 110} >>> xnpv(valuesPerDate, -0.10) 22.257507852701295 """ if rate == -1.0: return float("inf") t0 = min(valuesPerDate.keys()) if rate <= -1.0: return sum( [ -abs(vi) / (-1.0 - rate) ** ((ti - t0).days / DAYS_PER_YEAR) for ti, vi in valuesPerDate.items() ] ) return sum( [ vi / (1.0 + rate) ** ((ti - t0).days / DAYS_PER_YEAR) for ti, vi in valuesPerDate.items() ] )
[docs]def xirr(valuesPerDate: dict[, float]) -> Optional[float]: """Calculate the irregular internal rate of return. >>> from datetime import date >>> valuesPerDate = {date(2019, 12, 31): -80005.8, date(2020, 3, 12): 65209.6} >>> xirr(valuesPerDate) -0.645363882724717 """ if not valuesPerDate: return None if all(v >= 0 for v in valuesPerDate.values()): return float("inf") if all(v <= 0 for v in valuesPerDate.values()): return -float("inf") result = None try: result = scipy.optimize.newton(lambda r: xnpv(valuesPerDate, r), 0) except (RuntimeError, OverflowError): # Failed to converge? result = scipy.optimize.brentq( lambda r: xnpv(valuesPerDate, r), -0.999999999999999, 1e20, maxiter=10**6 ) if not isinstance(result, complex): return result else: return None
[docs]def cleanXirr(valuesPerDate: dict[, float]) -> Optional[float]: """A "cleaned" version of the xirr which avoids returning a xirr for some extreme cases and ignores amounts which are almost 0.""" valuesPerDateCleaned = {} for date, amount in valuesPerDate.items(): if round(amount, 2) != 0: valuesPerDateCleaned[date] = amount try: result = xirr(valuesPerDateCleaned) except ValueError: return None if result is not None and (abs(result) >= 100 or round(result, 4) == 0): return None else: return result
[docs]def listsXirr( dates: list[], values: list[float], whichXirr: Callable[[dict[, float]], Optional[float]] = xirr, ) -> Optional[float]: """A convenience function that takes two lists of dates and values rather than a combined dictionary. Use whichXirr to select the actuall xirr function to use. Anti-pattern: Using a simple dictionary comprehension would not work, e.g. `xirr({d: v for d, v in zip(dates, values)})` Because this overwrites entries with identical dates. """ valuesPerDate: dict[, float] = {} for date, value in zip(dates, values): valuesPerDate[date] = valuesPerDate.get(date, 0) + value return whichXirr(valuesPerDate)